
Sydney Schoeberle

Contributed by MnFIRE partner, Optum

Most of us are aware of how “triggers” can bring negative emotions and feelings inside us. But do you know what your “glimmers” are? That is, the fleeting moments that give you a sense of calm, peace and joy?

Both manifest physically in your body and affect your mental well-being.

Triggers send a warning of a potential danger to your nervous system. Depending on the threat, you may react with an urge to fight the danger, flee from it, freeze in the face of it or do something to pacify it. This reaction is commonly referred to as the fight, flight, freeze and fawn response. During these times, you feel heightened emotional and physical stress. Too much stress can lead to mental and physical health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, digestive issues and heart problems.

On the other hand, glimmers signal your parasympathetic nervous system, giving you a feeling of safety, calm and connection. When you feel good, your parasympathetic nervous system turns on and tells your nervous system to calm down. So, instead of fight, flight, freeze or fawn, you experience calm, peace and happiness. Glimmers can be anything from the smell and taste of your favorite comfort food, to the sound of your best friend’s laughter, watching squirrels play, the feel of your cool pillow after you flip it over, or whatever else gives you a sense of joy.

Catching glimmers

We are naturally wired to be aware of danger, especially in the fire service. It’s part of our safety defense mechanism and survival instinct. But we can train ourselves to look for these natural “glimmer” stress reducers that give us joy and comfort. While these moments may be brief, they add up. When you practice savoring them, you build up a reservoir of calm and hope that helps steady your nerves in stressful times.

  • Think about what gives you a sense of joy, calm or helps you relax, so you are prepared to recognize the glimmers you experience.
  • Many of us spend time thinking about the past or planning the future. Practice being present in the moment, so you are aware when a glimmer happens.
  • When you spot a glimmer, relish the sensations you feel, knowing it will likely pass quickly.
  • Each day, take time to reflect on the glimmers you encountered. Consider capturing them in a glimmer journal for future reference.
  • Swap glimmer stories with someone you care about to build your bond.

No-cost mental health support

For personalized emotional and mental health support, MnFIRE provides confidential resources funded by the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)  – including counseling visits and peer support – to Minnesota firefighters and their families. These MnFIRE program services target the unique needs of fire service members and are available at no cost. Call 888-784-6634 or click here to learn more and get help.


Australian Medical Association. Glimmers for mental health. Aug. 19, 2023.

Calm. Glimmers: What they are, why they matter, and 5 ways to find them. Accessed Oct. 18, 2024.

Neurodiversity Education Academy. Know your glimmers. March 26, 2023.

World Experience Organization. The power of glimmers: Designing for psychological safety. Accessed Oct. 18, 2024.

The Minnesota fire service community recently gathered at Grand Casino Mille Lacs in Onamia for a full day of inspiring and hands-on health and wellness training at our 2025 Firefighter Health Forum.

The goal of the event was to share expertise, informative tips and resources to help protect and empower firefighters – and their families – in their professional and personal lives. Firefighters, their partners and spouses, and MnFIRE peer supporters were all immersed in the forum sessions together.

The year’s keynote speaker Ali Rothrock, a first responder mental health advocate, crisis counselor and author, helped set the tone for the day by talking about fostering resilience on and off the job. She reflected on some traumatic experiences early in her career and how they’ve impacted where she is today.

In a post-event survey, one attendee shared, “I found Ali incredibly helpful, insightful and relatable. The way she was able to talk about trauma in a way that everyone could understand was fantastic.”

In other breakout sessions, attendees learned about fitness and nutrition, first responder safety and self-defense, cardiovascular health, optimizing sleep habits, and suicide prevention – all based on the demands of the fire service, and the occupational health risks facing firefighters every day.

The movement sessions were a hit, particularly an interactive mobility session led by Blake Christenson of Iron Maltese Athletics with him modeling proper hip and shoulder movements to help firefighters reduce their risk of injury on the job. A few attendees walked away excited to bring this simple warm-up routine back to their departments.

At lunch during the forum, Monte Fronk, Head of Tribal Emergency Management for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, presented Garrison Fire and Rescue Captain and MnFIRE peer supporter Jen Elleraas with a special gift. Garrison Fire and Rescue is a volunteer fire department and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe – one of 11 federally recognized tribes in Minnesota – is one of the largest communities they serve.

Under Jen’s leadership, the department has worked to improve its communications and outreach, including participating in the annual Mille Lacs Band fire prevention/safety day at the tribal schools on the reservation and assisting Monte with already established NFPA 1300 community risk reduction efforts. Jen was recently recognized as the 2024 MSFCA Fire Officer of the Year for populations under 10,000. But to personally thank Jen and show his appreciation, Monte gave her a traditional gift of a blanket that recognizes her passion and efforts to improve safety for the Mille Lacs Band.

Nearly 90% of attendees who took our post-event survey, said they’d recommend future MnFIRE Firefighter Health Forums to others.

Thank you to all the incredible presenters and attendees who made this such an impactful and memorable event! We are so grateful for our fire service community.

Interested in bringing this kind of training to your department? MnFIRE’s no-cost trainings through the state’s Hometown Heroes Assistance Program provide crucial information about health and wellness topics impacting those in the fire service, such as cardiovascular health, emotional wellness, cancer, sleep, fitness and nutrition. Learn more and register your department for a training here.

When Jeff Rosener walked out the door after meeting with a mental health counselor for the first time, he didn’t know if the planned two-times-per-week therapy schedule was going to help.

“To be honest, I was skeptical,” said Rosener, a captain in the Minneapolis Fire Department. “I’m from the Marine Corps, which (has the mentality of) suck it up, just drink like the rest of us, take some Advil and rub some dirt in it.”

But Rosener stuck to the schedule and quickly realized how much his life – both personally and professionally – benefited from reaching out for help. Rosener’s sessions were made possible by the MnFIRE Assistance Program (MAP), which offers free, confidential help for Minnesota firefighters and their families 24/7 with emotional health, stress and more. The MAP is part of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP), funded by a $4 million annual appropriation from the state.

As part of these no-cost benefits, every Minnesota firefighter and their family members can access up to five counseling visits per issue per year, with additional support ensured as needed, with specialized mental health professionals who have been trained to address the unique experiences of the fire service.

Earlier in 2024, Rosener hit a low point in many of his relationships, especially with his wife and their five kids, ages 13 to 2. One evening that spring, his wife asked to separate.

“I didn’t sleep at all that night and then went to work the next morning,” said Rosener, who has been in the fire service since 2010. “I said to my chief, ‘I need some help.’ I didn’t know if I needed to call a divorce lawyer or a therapist, but I was in a bad way.”

The Minneapolis Fire Chief immediately took action, keeping Rosener off the truck and connecting him with the department’s MnFIRE liaison. While Rosener had heard of MnFIRE and had seen a poster up in the fire station, he didn’t realize all the benefits available to him as an active firefighter. This was the first time Rosener received support from MnFIRE.

“Within two hours of me asking for help, I was in the office talking to my mental health provider, Melinda,” Rosener said. “It wasn’t crisis intervention; it was just me saying I need to save my marriage. That’s how it all started.”

During that first meeting, Rosener and his provider established a plan of care, including therapy sessions twice a week and taking six months off firefighting duty.

“The MnFIRE liaison told me not to worry about sick time and just focus on myself and my family,” Rosener said. “I felt 1,000% supported.”

Rosener’s therapy sessions used a combination of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and acceleration resolution therapy.

“Once I started it, I started immediately unpacking some of the trauma, he said. “It was explained to me that it’s just like a physical injury – how your brain takes days to even process what we see before we can even make sense of it. It really opened my eyes.”

Rosener also learned tools – like grounding, changing body chemistry and changing his physical environment – to help him cope with everyday life.

“When I feel anger coming on, I recognize it and use these tools before seeing red,” Rosener said.

For example, when Rosener starts to get agitated, he will take a break and go to his garage to organize his tools or take the dog for a walk to calm himself down.

Along with tools to cope, therapy has also given Rosener a new perspective on life.

“I realized I am very lucky to have the greatest job in the world, but no matter what, my family comes first,” he said. “I won’t miss another important day. I want to be there for those memories.”

Ten months after his initial outreach for help, Rosener said he and his family are together and doing a lot better, thanks to therapy sessions through MnFIRE and doing the work to make a change. Rosener was also able to return to full duty without restrictions thanks to the help he received through MnFIRE.

“To ask for help was a big deal for me,” he said. “I’m glad I did it, my family is glad I did it. But it’s always going to be a work in process. Having those tools is a great asset.”

His peers in the fire service have also been supportive of Rosener’s road to recovery. As more people in his profession talk about mental health support, Rosener hopes getting help when needed becomes the norm. He knows both sides as a skeptic turned believer in therapy.

“The stigma of suck it up and the perceived weakness needs to die before more of us (in the fire service) do,” Rosener said.

Confidential help is available any time for any Minnesota firefighter and their family through the MnFIRE Assistance Program. For more details or for help, call 888-784-6634 or click here.

Contributed by Nicholas E. Blonien, D.O.

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) lists six key pillars to wellness: sleep, nutrition, exercise, substance use, stress management, and healthy relationships. While these are all essential components of a well-rounded approach to health optimization, there may be a seventh undeclared pillar that deserves our attention: exposure to nature.

In the United States, we spend the majority of our time in the built environment, man-made structures that provide the setting for human activity: cars, roads, buildings, electronic screens and more. As a result, we live far removed from the environment we were intended to operate in – nature.

While it is difficult to measure the physical and psychosocial impacts the built environment has had on human health and wellness, it’s clear that noise, toxic exposures, pollution and more sedentary living are harmful products of this. Escaping from these factors, even for brief periods throughout the week, can make a significant impact on wellness.

Researchers have investigated the effects of routine nature exposure on overall health. They’ve found that activities like “forest bathing” (taking a walk through the woods) can have positive effects on the mind, gut, heart, immunity, endocrine function and more.

To experience a boost to your mental, physical and emotional health:

Be intentional about getting exposure to the natural world.

Walking through a forest or along a lakeside is a great way to escape noise, breathe fresh air and get in some exercise. While stepping out your front door can do the trick, you may find added motivation in a new area to explore. Here’s a map of all the state parks in Minnesota plus information on “Free Park Day,” when vehicle permit fees are waived for all Minnesota state parks. Plus, here are some outdoor recreation ideas from Explore Minnesota.

Look to do this a couple times per week.

Limited research suggests at least 20 minutes of nature exposure a day is important, with at least 120 minutes per week as the goal.

For additional information on the benefits of the outdoors, check out the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, Nature as Medicine: The 7th (Unofficial) Pillar of Lifestyle Medicine.

Other no-cost health resources

For emotional and mental health support, the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP) provides confidential resources targeting the stress unique to the fire service – including counseling visits and peer support – to Minnesota firefighters and their families at no cost through the MnFIRE Assistance Program. Call 888-784-6634 or click here to learn more and get help.

MnFIRE also offers trainings that focus on firefighter occupational health risks including cancer, cardiac and emotional wellness, plus deep-dive trainings on sleep, nutrition and fitness. Click here to learn more and register your department for a no-cost training.

35 years ago, Kip Springer planned to become a police officer. In hopes of gaining work experience while he earned his law enforcement degree, he became a volunteer firefighter at Eden Prairie Fire Department – and it lit a spark.

“Anybody who starts in the fire service will tell you that there’s just this passion that kicks in,” said Springer. “And that’s where I wanted to be. I was really, really happy being a firefighter.”

He continued as a paid-on-call firefighter with the Eden Prairie Fire Department for 20 years, eventually leaving his construction job in the private sector to become a full-time firefighter. After rising through the ranks during stints at the Plymouth Fire Department and the Eagan Fire Department, he is now Fire Chief for the City of Rosemount.

It was this professional journey through leadership development that led him to his thyroid cancer diagnosis. A vendor at a 2015 Fire Chiefs conference in Colorado was showcasing an artery scanner and Springer gave the new technology a try. While he received a clean bill of health there, the technician noted nodules on Springer’s thyroid and suggested he have them checked by his primary doctor back home.

“My doctor emphasized that a lot of people have these, and it’s usually nothing,” said Springer. “But they put me on a monitoring plan, getting ultrasounds every five years to keep an eye out for any changes.”

On one of those routine visits, it was immediately clear to Springer that the ultrasound technician noticed something different.

“She said, ‘We’ll pass everything on to the doctor and they’ll follow up with you.’ I knew right there something wasn’t right. And unfortunately with [digital charts] nowadays, you can see everything they enter into the system. And so, I knew before the doctor even called me.”

Springer was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Despite being detected early, it was a blow to his family, as his wife had successfully completed breast cancer treatment just six years prior.

“We knew that life. We had to work through those struggles and the financial impacts of my wife not being able to work,” recalled Springer. “We were just digging ourselves out of a hole from the last [diagnosis], and then you get another cancer diagnosis in your family and you just worry so badly about the impact that’ll have.”

Having helped bring MnFIRE training to his fire department, Springer was aware of MnFIRE and the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP) resources. But he wasn’t familiar with the logistics of filing a critical illness claim. Bolstered by the encouragement of a firefighter friend, he made the call, and received the full benefit of $20,000. It was a prescription for peace of mind.

“With my wife’s cancer, we were digging into savings and cashing out other investments to help cover costs. This time, I didn’t have to worry about that. I could focus on my health. I could focus on my family.”

Springer underwent a thyroidectomy to remove the cancer. He is now cancer free taking medicine daily and receiving annual monitoring checks. His wife is also healthy and received the “all clear” after several scans showed her cancer has remained in remission.

While he appreciated the privacy granted through the HHAP, Springer now feels compelled to share his story with his fellow firefighters, all who face greater occupational health risks such as cancer, cardiac disease and mental health struggles.

“Firefighters need to know these resources are out there for them,” said Springer. “This program can help you so that if the day ever comes, you are not panicking trying to figure out what to do. You already know who to call to get that help.”

Critical Illness Program details

As part of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program, all Minnesota firefighters are automatically enrolled in a statewide Critical Illness insurance policy which covers diagnoses of cancer, cardiac or other critical illnesses, and provides a lump-sum cash payment up to $20,000 to assist with expenses like medical bills and travel costs to and from specialist visits. Qualified claims for diagnosed illnesses from August 1, 2021, and on are eligible. The firefighter has one year from the date of diagnosis to file the claim. For more information or to file a claim, call 888-784-6634 or visit

NAMI Minnesota presented the Minnesota Firefighter Initiative (MnFIRE) with the “Transforming Attitudes Award” at its annual conference on November 9, 2024, at Saint Paul RiverCentre. The Award recognizes an individual or organization that has promoted justice, dignity, and respect and worked to transform attitudes toward people with mental illnesses.

NAMI Minnesota commended MnFIRE for providing Minnesota’s firefighters with the tools they need to prioritize and protect their health by focusing on the three health problems most commonly experienced by those in the fire service: cardiac, emotional trauma, and cancer.

“Firefighters are there for traumatic events but have often suffered in silence, leading to higher rates of depression, substance use, PTSD, and suicide,” said Sue Abderholden, Executive Director of NAMI Minnesota. “The Minnesota Firefighter Initiative works to change attitudes towards treatment among firefighters and provides resources, especially to the many volunteer firefighters across our state. And they are succeeding!”

In 2023, 1,400 firefighters sought assistance, and there have been more than 1,150 counseling visits through the MnFIRE Assistance Program so far this year. NAMI Minnesota applauds MnFIRE for changing attitudes and eliminating barriers to caring for our first responders.

Rebecca Otto, MnFIRE’s Executive Director, accepted the award on behalf of the organization, thanking NAMI Minnesota and emphasizing their ongoing commitment to mental health and community support.

“We’re honored to receive recognition for the work we are doing to improve mental health in the fire service. We are proud of the work we do to fill a critical need in the Minnesota fire service by providing  emotional wellness training, peer support and access to mental health providers – and to positively change attitudes of firefighters around seeking mental health help.”

For confidential help, Minnesota firefighters and their families can always call our 24/7 hotline at 888-784-6634.

Sauk Centre firefighter and EMT Andrea Kerfeld has been in the fire service for 15 years and is a recent addition to the MnFIRE Peer Support team. Andrea and her fellow peer supporters are a crucial support system for Minnesota’s 20,000 firefighters and their families. They provide free and confidential support to their colleagues experiencing personal, emotional or work-related problems.

Andrea shared about her time as a MnFIRE peer supporter and why she finds it incredibly rewarding to help her fire service brothers and sisters prioritize their mental health.

Tell us a little about yourself, your history with the fire service and who you are outside of your role as a firefighter?

I am a lifelong Sauk Centre resident. I’ve been married to my husband Kelly for 23 years. We have three adult daughters, Greta (22), Ellen (20) and Ava (19). My hobbies include gardening, cheering on the Minnesota Twins, and drinking coffee/socializing with friends. My full-time career is a 911 Dispatcher for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department in Alexandria, MN. I’ve been dispatching for eight years.

My journey in the fire service began a little differently than most, I would guess. As a staff writer for the local newspaper at the time, I thought it would be fun to do a ride-along with the fire department to write a more interesting story for our October Fire Prevention special edition. For approximately six months, I was given a pager and allowed to observe call responses, as well as the department’s meetings and drills. I was hooked! The experience very much reminded me of my time in the Minnesota Army National Guard, as I’d recently completed my eight-year enlistment in the military. I joined the department in March of 2010, becoming the first woman firefighter in Sauk Centre history.

Why did you become a MnFIRE peer supporter?

I am also a member of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office peer support team. Our clinician who leads our team for the County told me about MnFIRE and their peer support program. I very much enjoy my role in peer support and understood the need for more resources in the fire service. I became a peer supporter to help bring awareness to my fellow firefighters of the importance of taking care of their mental health and to help normalize conversations about mental health.

What have you found to be rewarding about your role as a peer supporter?

Learning that we all struggle. While all struggles may not be the same, many of our fears, anxieties and stressors are. I think people often feel they are the only ones experiencing something, so they keep it to themselves out of fear of being judged. When in reality, we all have more in common than not.

What is the most surprising part of being a peer supporter?

While a traumatic call or event may be the trigger or tipping point, it’s hardly the sole reason we may need to reach out for some extra support. Regardless of what we face on the fire/rescue scene, life still goes on! Marriages and relationships still need attention, kids need to be cared for, finances need to be managed, etc. I find it’s usually a combination of stressors that overwhelm a person.

For others who may want to join MnFIRE’s Peer Support program, what qualities make a good peer supporter?

I believe trust is the biggest and most important quality. If people can’t trust you to keep their conversations private, you won’t succeed. The other thing is just being a good listener. You don’t have to have all the answers or the right words. You just need to be able to listen with a compassionate heart and understanding ear.

What practices do you engage in to keep yourself mentally healthy?

I am a big believer in the “you can’t pour from an empty cup” philosophy. I try to be very conscious of my time and where it’s spent and in maintaining a healthy work/life/home balance. Saying “no” is an art I’ve only recently begun to master! Time alone, in complete silence, is a must for me. My faith is also central to my well-being. Spending time in prayer or listening to worship music is my medicine.

What do you believe is the number one thing your fellow firefighters should do to improve their mental health?

Recognize your need to address and maintain it. If you have a brain, you must be mindful of your mental health. Just like you exercise or tend to any other part of your body, realize your brain needs care and attention as well. And it’s not a contest to see who can handle the most! Especially in a male dominated industry, guys like to shoulder more than their fair share. But we can only hold so much. Having a confidential conversation with a member of the Peer Support team may be all you need to get things out in the open, process them and feel better.

What do you see as the most valuable component of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)?

The awareness it brings to issues. We can’t correct problems unless we know about them.

Anything else you’d like to add?

As firefighters, we wouldn’t hesitate to help someone in physical danger. It’s what we do! But don’t hesitate to help someone who’s struggling mentally, either. If you see someone acting out of character, making off comments, or withdrawing, reach out. A simple text can go a long way in helping someone realize they are not alone.

Help is just a call away

MnFIRE Peer Support is a safe, confidential space to talk about what you’re going through with someone who gets it. Minnesota firefighters and their family members can get connected with a peer supporter by calling our 24-hour helpline at 888-784-6634, and selecting option 2.

For many, the holidays are a time of togetherness and celebration. Yet for firefighters, the season often brings unique challenges that can lead to stress. From missing family moments due to being on call to managing tough calls during the festive season, it’s important to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being during this busy time of year. Here are a few tips to help fend off holiday stress.

Embrace quality over quantity in family time

Being on call or working extra shifts may mean missing out on family holiday traditions, but the time you spend with loved ones, no matter how brief, can still be meaningful. Focus on making the most of the time you do have with loved ones. Whether it’s an early morning breakfast together, enjoying a movie night or catching up on the phone during a break, focus on making the most of the moments you have to connect with your family and friends.

Use self-care to prevent burnout

The holidays can be busy – from festive celebrations to increased call volumes. But it’s important to decompress between calls and commitments. Take a moment for yourself here and there, whether that be practicing a breathing routine, listening to calming music or stepping outside for fresh air. Even small acts of wellness, like staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals and getting more sleep, can help you feel more equipped to handle the season’s challenges.

Use your support system

Lean on others when the holiday stress becomes overwhelming. Whether it’s talking to a friend, family member or fellow firefighter, talking through difficult experiences can help lighten the emotional load.

MnFIRE Peer Support is a safe, confidential space to talk about what you’re going through with someone who gets it. Minnesota firefighters and their family members can get connected with a peer supporter by calling our 24-hour helpline at 888-784-6634.

Seek help if you need it

Tough calls can feel even more difficult during the holiday season. If you’re struggling, seek out support. With the MnFIRE Assistance Program (MAP), firefighters are eligible for professional counseling visits. This confidential, free service is available for all active volunteer, paid-on-call, part-time and full-time Minnesota firefighters and their families, and for all levels of support. Prioritizing your mental health is a step of strength and supports your well-being.

This holiday season, remember to take care of yourself so you can continue to serve your community with strength and dedication. By focusing on small, intentional practices, you can navigate holiday stress while still finding moments of joy and connection with your loved ones and your community.

Contributed by Nicholas E. Blonien, D.O.

As tactical athletes, firefighters require premium fuel for optimal performance. Their shifts bring a range of physiological stressors, from sleep disruption and intense bursts of physical activity to prolonged time on scene in full turnout gear, temperature extremes, and even periods of downtime. This variability makes proper nutrition challenging, and inconsistent health information adds to the difficulties. While it’s easy to get lost in the details, fueling right shouldn’t be complicated. Below are evidence-based principles of tactical athlete nutrition to help design a personalized, high-performance meal plan for firefighters.

1. Athletes need carbohydrates, but timing matters

Carbohydrates are the best fuel for moderate and high intensity physical activity and can be divided into two categories – simple and complex:

  • Simple carbs provide quick energy as they are rapidly metabolized to glucose, causing a blood sugar “spike.”
  • Complex carbs deliver more sustained energy due to their slow digestion, causing a “slow burn” elevation in blood sugar.

Muscles use glucose for energy, storing it as glycogen to support ongoing exercise. However, eating simple carbs or a large amount of complex carbs at the wrong time can negatively impact health. If you eat more carbs than your body needs for your activity level, the extra get stored as fat and your body may struggle to control blood sugar, increasing the risk of diabetes.

Tips for fueling:

  • Simple carbs should be consumed before physical activity to provide immediate energy.
  • Complex carbs can be eaten throughout the day but should be moderated, especially during periods of low activity.

2. Eat between 100-200 grams of protein per day for muscle support

Building a strong physique requires plenty of protein, which is the body’s nutritional building blocks. The FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, which is the minimum to prevent malnutrition. However, as a tactical athlete, the goal is to thrive, not merely survive, requiring significantly more support for the body in this physically demanding profession.

Tips for fueling:

  • Space out your protein intake throughout the day to keep your body in build-and-repair mode, aiming for at least 30 grams each meal.
  • Each protein-rich meal should include 3 grams of leucine, a key amino acid for muscle building and repair. It can be found in meat, dairy and legumes.

3. Saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease

Saturated fat is a primary contributor to increased levels of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) in the blood, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease – a leading cause of death among firefighters. Saturated fat is commonly found in fatty animal-derived foods, which also offer protein and other nutrients, meaning it’s not necessary to eliminate these foods entirely.

Tips for fueling:

  • Select low-fat and minimally processed animal-derived foods when consuming them.
  • Incorporate plant-based foods that can provide respectable amounts of protein.
  • To highlight the importance of limiting saturated fat, a low-fat, plant-based diet is the only nutrition plan shown to facilitate the reversal of coronary artery disease.

4. Sufficient dietary fiber: a critical component of a healthy nutrition plan

Dietary fiber is non-digestible plant material that plays an essential role in maintaining health. While it may seem insignificant, sufficient fiber intake offers numerous benefits, including improved glucose regulation, better cholesterol levels, a healthy gut microbiome, and regular bowel movements. Strong evidence links fiber intake to chronic disease prevention. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and complex carbohydrates.

Tips for fueling:

  • Adults should aim for a minimum of 30 grams of fiber daily, or about 14 grams per 1,000 calories consumed.
  • While there isn’t a defined upper limit for fiber intake, consuming more than 50 grams per day may result in gut discomfort and could possibly impair nutrient absorption.

5. Avoid fad diets like the carnivore and ketogenic diets

While restrictive diets can offer short-term weight loss, as they limit intake of major food groups they are likely to result in nutrient deficiencies in the long run unless you rely heavily on supplements, which may not be the healthiest or cheapest choice.

Examples of diets:

  • The Carnivore Diet consists solely of eating animal-derived foods, resulting in low fiber intake and high saturated fat consumption – both clear contributors to chronic disease.
  • The Ketogenic Diet minimizes carbohydrate intake, leading to low fiber consumption and increased reliance on animal-derived foods. This diet may also hinder muscle glycogen replenishment, negatively impacting physical performance.
  • A vegan or vegetarian diet can make it difficult to get enough protein due to the absence of meat and dairy. Careful planning and taking plant-based protein supplements can help meet protein needs.

6. Create your ideal daily diet

A diet primarily composed of plants, along with controlled amounts of animal-derived foods, is the key for health and sustainability. Consider the Mediterranean Diet, which has demonstrated health benefits for firefighters. Achieving proper nutrition requires an understanding of your daily intake for both macronutrients (carbs, protein, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals). However, scrutinizing every food label and tallying numbers throughout the day can be disruptive, potentially leading to obsession and anxiety.

Instead, spend some time designing your “ideal daily diet,” incorporating a variety of healthy foods you enjoy. Use a food tracking app or website to assess the nutritional value of your meals and adjust as needed to meet recommended guidelines. Aim to stick to this diet most days of the week, and rest easy that occasional deviations are beneficial for variety and less harmful to your health when a solid foundation is in place.

Firefighters can also learn more about nutrition and how it can help them perform more safely and efficiently while on duty, as well as at home, by scheduling a MnFIRE training on Fitness & Nutrition for your department. Learn more here.

Contributed by Nicholas E. Blonien, D.O.

Hitting a hot sauna may be a daunting thought after fighting a fire for hours, but it could help clear toxicants from the body and boost cardiovascular health.

While utilizing sauna therapy for enhancing the clearance of toxic chemicals and cancer-causing compounds is still being studied, the cardiovascular benefits of routine sauna use are much clearer. And remember, cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of firefighter illness and death.

The sauna environment (that is, extreme heat with or without humidity) triggers a physiologic response in the body that is quite similar to aerobic exercise. Core temperature rises, heart rate increases, peripheral blood vessels in the skin dilate and sweating ensues. Repeating this practice causes the body to adapt and can result in the following health benefits:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Improved mental well-being
  • Improved tolerance to heat exposure (acclimatization)

Many of these results are similar to the benefits of exercise.

Overall, routine sauna bathing multiple times per week appears to profoundly improve heart health and decrease risk of all-cause mortality. For firefighters without serious health conditions, sauna use is a simple practice that may lead to boosting performance and heart health.

Practice points

  • Aim for 20-30 minute sauna sessions, at least twice per week, at or near the temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. More frequent use (four to seven times per week) has been shown to be more beneficial, yet shorter and cooler sessions can still be somewhat helpful.
  • Stay hydrated in the sauna. Bring a water bottle to drink from while inside.
  • Ease into it. The high-heat environment may be unsettling at first. You can certainly start with shorter and/or cooler sessions, advancing to goal temperature and duration over time.
  • Confirm you’re healthy enough for sauna therapy. For most firefighters, this shouldn’t be an issue, but sauna is intended to place stress on the body (like exercise). Make sure to talk with your doctor about sauna use before starting. For men, sauna use can decrease fertility. So if you’re trying to start a family, you may want to hold off.

For a deeper dive into how sauna therapy works and why it’s beneficial, you might enjoy Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s summary webpage.

Protect your department from cancer and cardiovascular disease

MnFIRE training provides more guidance and support for firefighters around health and wellness activities like this that can help protect them against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Sign up your department for a FREE training here.

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The Minnesota Firefighter Initiative is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax/EIN number: 38-4049248.

P.O. Box 124, Isanti, MN 55040

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