

The entire Minnesota fire service mourns the loss of St. Paul Fire Captain Chris Parsons, who passed away on June 15, 2023.

As president of the Minnesota Professional Fire Fighters, principal officer of IAFF Local 21 and a founding board member of MnFIRE, Chris was a fervent champion for firefighter well-being, which will forever be part of his legacy.

He was particularly focused on championing legislation that banned PFAS, cancer-causing chemical fire retardants. With his family’s permission, MnFIRE has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money that will go toward PFAS research and its impact on firefighters.

Visit the Chris Parsons Memorial Fund for PFAS Research GoFundMe page.

Chris was a selfless servant and has positively impacted the lives of every single Minnesota firefighter and their families. He will be missed.

Contributed by Paul J. Anderson, M.D.

There is no way around it, firefighting is a stressful job. Physically, you must be able to handle the stress of the station alarm or an emergency call, the truck sirens blaring, gearing up and working hard until the fire is out, keeping at it until overhaul is done, and staying until your gear is clean and back in your locker. Emotionally, you must handle distraught victims, exposure to horrible life situations and trauma, the unpredictable attitudes of your teammates, and anything else that comes at you on a call. On top of all that, if you are like most firefighters in Minnesota – part-time or volunteer – this might not even be your day job, and you likely have a family to take care of as well.

All of these things considered, firefighting exposes us to high levels of stress. With prolonged exposure to these elevated stress levels, firefighters can feel a negative ripple effect through various aspects of life that may eventually hinder a person’s ability to function.

The most important thing to remember about your body is that it cannot tell the difference between various kinds of stress. “Stress is stress” to your body. It’s also good to remember that too much stress can negatively impact almost all of the other lifestyle habits you might be trying to build or maintain. With too much stress, we eat poorly, sleep poorly, have low energy for working out, our relationships suffer and we may turn to alcohol or other substances a little too often to “take the edge off.”

But there are ways to counter the “crunch” of too much stress in your life. Here are a few thoughts to help you step out in another direction:

  1. Prioritize: Being stressed out happens sometimes in everyone’s life, but often it happens because our priorities have gotten out of order. Think about what capacities are most important to you and what skills and resources are essential to helping you be your best for yourself and the people around you. Prioritize the time and activities that support those resources. Take control of your schedule. Decide to let some things go.
  2. Downsize: So much stress comes from trying to do too much in too little time. Maybe there are some parts of your life you could simplify or let go of altogether to get back on track. Think about your commitments, your obligations and the extra activities that are filling your time. Maybe you can back off just a little bit and buy yourself some time to recharge.
  3. Capitalize: Capitalizing means you take what you have and reinvest it in key resources that make you even more successful. Take your new priorities, and some of the time you gained from downsizing, and re-invest in your key relationships, the physical and mental health you have through physical activity and great nutrition, good friendships, spending time in nature and participating in activities or causes that bring you joy.

Managing stress is a key pillar of a healthy lifestyle that will improve your ability to be present to your work, your family, and yourself. You can read more about other healthy lifestyle pillars, such as physical fitness, here.

Once again on Sunday, September 24, we gathered on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol for the annual Minnesota Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service.

This year, the importance of MnFIRE’s mission hit especially hard. The service honored two beloved members of the state’s fire service, both of whom died in the line of duty in the past year as a result of cardiac events. Hopkins Assistant Fire Chief James “Jimmy” Scanlon died Nov. 4, 2022, and St. Paul Fire Captain Chris Parsons died June 15, 2023. Chris was a founding board member of MnFIRE and a fervent champion for firefighter well-being, which will forever be part of his legacy.

During the ceremony, inscribed columns in their honor were added to the Minnesota Fallen Firefighter Memorial, and their families received flags that have been flown over the state capitol – and the thanks of a grateful state. Firefighters from across Minnesota joined Gov. Tim Walz and other dignitaries to honor all of Minnesota’s 244 fallen firefighters, including a special remembrance of fallen firefighters from Mapleton and St. Louis Park.

These tragic cardiac incidents are a solemn reminder about the vital work we’re doing to protect the heart health of each and every firefighter. With deep gratitude, we recognize Chris and Jimmy’s dedicated service, and our thoughts and prayers are with their family, friends and communities.

The memorial service is held each year on the last Sunday in September, which has been designated as the state’s official day to honor Minnesota’s fallen firefighters. Learn more about the fallen firefighters who were honored from FOX 9’s coverage of the ceremony.

The Minnesota Fire Service Foundation coordinates the effort to recognize the state’s firefighters who died in the line of duty and provides support and resources to fire departments, firefighters, and their families throughout Minnesota. Financial contributions to fund educational scholarships for children of active, retired, or deceased firefighters, and for spouses of deceased firefighters and support for firefighters and their families in times of need can be sent to:

Minnesota Fire Service Foundation c/o Security Bank & Trust Co.
591 Park Avenue, PO Box 157
Hamburg, MN 55339

Online contributions can be made at All contributions are tax deductible.

Contributed by Paul J. Anderson, M.D.

As a firefighter, food may be one of the last things on your mind. You may work one or two other jobs while trying to hold down a busy family life, and you’re committed to showing up for a fire call, ready to get to work. With this number of responsibilities, you eat when you can. But putting food last on your list will eventually leave you unprepared for an emergency because you are too tired or too unhealthy to rise to the challenge. While being unprepared could cause you injury, it could also keep you, your fellow firefighters, your family or the public from getting help when they need it.

We get it. On top of juggling all of those things, nutritional advice is overwhelming and confusing for most of us. So, here is a great saying from Michael Pollan to get you started: “Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Eat real food

Eating real food means eating items that naturally occur in the world as things you can eat. Think about an apple, a carrot, black beans, nuts or fish. Processed foods, on the other hand, are edible substances that come out of machines or go through heavy processing like puffed snacks, soft drinks, protein drinks or candy bars. Real food is better fuel because it has more nutrients and fewer calories. Plus, it contains the full variety of nutrients our bodies need to do work and stay healthy.

Not too much

Eating too much of anything provides excess energy (calories) which the body stores as fat. Only about 10 to 20% of your weight should come from fat. The rest (80 to 90%) should be muscle, bone, blood, organs and water. But what is too much?

The average person needs somewhere around 2,000 calories per day just to support basic body functions like thinking, moving around, digestion and breathing. Divide this by three meals per day and you are talking about 675 calories per meal (less if you snack), which is not a lot of food. So, besides learning to eat more real food and less processed foods, the next action you can take is to pay attention to how many calories you eat in a day. There are a number of apps you can use for free (such as that help you easily track your food intake if you want to learn how many calories you eat.

Mostly plants

No, you don’t have to be a vegetarian or a vegan. But you do need to understand that meat is best kept as a “once in a while” part of your diet, instead of a daily dietary staple. All types of meat contain everything an animal ate and was exposed to during its lifetime, not all of which is good.  In addition, certain components of meat, especially red meat, can create inflammation in your body and that can speed up the development of disease in your blood vessels and heart.

Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and quality nutrition can improve job performance and help your body reach its full potential. Nutrition is a key pillar of a healthy lifestyle that will improve your ability to be present for your colleagues, your family and yourself. You can read more about other healthy lifestyle pillars, such as physical fitness, on the MnFIRE blog.

Learn how to create and maintain good physical fitness and healthy eating habits to support your firefighter training, work demands and long-term health by signing your department up for the new Firefighter Fitness & Nutrition training from MnFIRE. These trainings are available whenever it’s convenient for your crew, and it’s completely free for all fire departments in Minnesota. Sign up today!

It was 22 years ago when Ellen Kling decided to join the fire department in Ceylon. Her husband Larry had been active at the department since high school, and she was drawn to the comradery she had seen in the fire service.

“You don’t have to like each other, but yet when you get to a fire, you have each other’s backs,” said Ellen.

When Ellen isn’t volunteering as a training officer and EMT, she manages an excavating and scrap iron business with her husband.

With retirement on the horizon, Ellen was startled to find out she had a spot on her lung. After reviewing her shoulder X-ray results in her online portal back in December 2022, Ellen messaged her provider for further review. After several scans and tests, she found out it was cancerous.

Most lung cancers do not cause any symptoms until they have spread, so Ellen was lucky to catch it early. Ellen’s experience isn’t uncommon – after all, firefighters have a 9% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer and a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer than the general U.S. population, according to research by the CDC and National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH). But her story is a perfect reminder of the importance of advocating for yourself as a patient.

In March 2023, Ellen underwent surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester to remove the cancerous lung nodules. Fortunately, she is now cancer free and is following up with testing and appointments every six months.

As a training officer for Ceylon Fire, Ellen was already aware of MnFIRE and the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP) resources when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She’s the one who coordinated the MnFIRE trainings for her department and even learned about the increased cancer risks facing firefighters. But after her diagnosis, her thoughts weren’t on any programs MnFIRE had. She wasn’t thinking about anything but the next appointment – as is typical when facing a serious illness.

“Until you have cancer or any disease, you don’t really understand the mentality and the things that go through your head – the tunnel vision that you get,” said Ellen.

Luckily, Ellen’s friend and Dunnell Fire Chief, Al Helmers, reached out to remind Ellen about the free Critical Illness benefit available to her through Hometown Heroes.

“Having that support system, that’s one of the things about the fire service that I like,” said Ellen. “There’s always that firefighter next to you to say, ‘hey, have you checked on this or are you doing ok?’”

“To be honest, I wasn’t worried about the financial. I was thinking straightforward. Am I going to die? How bad is this? Having someone there to say, ‘hey, you know there is a program that is going to take some financial burden off and you’re going to need that’ – that’s great.”

Ellen filed her claim but was skeptical about getting the full $20,000 benefit advertised by MnFIRE. That thought was quickly dashed, and she was excited to discover the critical illness policy provider, Securian Financial, sent a check for the entire amount.

It’s certainly not cheap to have cancer. Ellen was off work for six weeks – a significant amount of time especially when you own your own business. Her treatment also required several stays in Rochester, and she has had to make several trips to Mankato and Fairmont for testing and appointments. Like so many firefighters in Minnesota, Ellen lives in a rural area and sometimes it can be quite the hike to access healthcare services.

“As my husband and I are self-employed,” said Ellen, “the money I received allowed me to have some peace of mind knowing I could spend time healing after surgery and not have to stress about money or rushing back to work too soon.”

Although she’s still in recovery, Ellen’s grateful that her treatment has been effective, and she was able to receive this extra financial support through it all.

“It’s a great program,” said Ellen. “Especially because the majority of firefighters in the state of Minnesota fall under the volunteer status and don’t necessarily have access to career benefits.”

Knowledge is power

When firefighters head out on a call – they’re thinking about putting the fire out. MnFIRE has made great strides so far in creating awareness for the high incidences of heart attacks and cancer facing the fire service, but even more can be done.

“Prior to the MnFIRE training, we didn’t have a gear washer,” said Ellen. “We just kept wearing our turnouts … so the training is valuable to any firefighter.”

Ellen believes MnFIRE trainings have been powerful during her time as a firefighter – and even lifesaving in the long run. Learning about the increased health risks firefighters face and how best to protect yourself can make a huge difference, like making sure you’re putting your hood on, getting a good seal and decontaminating gear as soon as possible.

“The small things, those definitely add up,” said Ellen. “I think MnFIRE has been great in helping firefighters become healthier and make good choices.”

It’s so important to check in on each other often and spread the word about the resources available to all of us firefighters. Knowledge is power – with both cancer prevention and care.

Critical Illness Program details

As part of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program, all Minnesota firefighters are automatically enrolled in a statewide Critical Illness insurance policy which covers diagnoses of cancer, cardiac or other critical illnesses, and provides a lump-sum cash payment up to $20,000 to assist with expenses like medical bills and travel costs to and from specialist visits. Qualified claims for diagnosed illnesses from August 1, 2021, and on are eligible. The firefighter has one year from the date of diagnosis to file the claim. For more information or to file a claim, call 888-784-6634 or visit

The 2023 MnFORE Golf Tournament presented by Aon was another beautiful day on the links! We’re so thankful to all of the golfers, volunteers and generous sponsors who joined us at Bearpath Golf & Country Club in the name of Minnesota firefighter health and wellness.

The funds raised at MnFORE will help MnFIRE continue to provide critical support and resources to Minnesota’s firefighters so they can live longer, healthier and happier lives. This is all thanks to your generosity! On behalf of Minnesota’s fire service, we thank you.

Enjoy browsing our photos from the event on MnFIRE’s Facebook page.

Learn more about all MnFIRE does for Minnesota’s fire service through advocacy, awareness, training and support here. If you would like to make a contribution to MnFIRE, please visit our donate page.


Stay tuned for details on the 2024 MnFORE Golf Tournament!

Interested in sponsoring in 2024? Contact DeeDee Jankovich at


MnFIRE’s peer supporters are a crucial lifeline to Minnesota’s 20,000 firefighters and their families. By matching firefighters with someone who has experienced similar struggles, we’re making it easier for folks to get the emotional support they need, while reducing the stigma around talking about mental health and suicide that has historically pervaded the fire service.

But who are these peer supporters, and what is it actually like when you call them?

We sat down for an interview with Jim Salentine, a retired Minnesota firefighter and active peer supporter, to give you another glimpse at the dedicated people behind our Peer Support program.

Tell us a little about yourself, your history with the fire service and who you are outside of your role as a firefighter?

I became a firefighter in 1992, then had a gap and came back in 2018. I’m an honor guard member. My first career was in the computer business. I retired in 2018 and prayed about what I want to do when I grow up. I made a pretty big career change from computers/systems to health care. I’m currently working in homecare as the CEO of New Dimensions Home Health Care, so very blessed to try and make someone’s day a little better.

I’m very involved with my church and on a couple of committees, and I coach basketball. My wife is my best friend; we’ve been married since 1986. We have a white Samoyed named Shiloh. I take great pride in taking care of myself both physically and mentally.

My whole goal is to give someone a four-letter word that is huge and it’s called “HOPE.”

Why did you become a MnFIRE peer supporter?

Because I truly believe the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives is what it’s all about. Everyone has a story, and they need to be heard, valued, respected and cared for.

What is the most rewarding part of being a peer supporter?

Spending time listening to people – really listening – being so thankful and saying, ‘WOW, I’ve never felt so good talking to someone about my struggles and issues. I thought it was just me and not being strong.’ I say that’s why God gave us two ears and one mouth – we’re supposed to spend twice as much time listening.

What is the most surprising part of being a peer supporter?

I wasn’t sure I had any other expectations of being a peer supporter, other than the blessings that I’ve received. Meeting people where they’re at and being a confidential resource that cares about and loves them.

What do you see as the most valuable component of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)?

I first became a firefighter back in 1992, and I can say that I wish the HHAP would have been around then. It’s unreal all the support that someone in need can get now. The other thing that is amazing, no issue is too small nor big. You never know when a firefighter is in need of someone who understands. It’s a safe place to know you’re not alone and so many people care about you.

What advice would you give to a firefighter who is looking to improve their mental health?

What you’re experiencing isn’t unusual, you’re not alone. Spend time each day to take care of yourself, eat, sleep, exercise, pray and practice mindfulness.

How to access MnFIRE Peer Support

Call our 24-hour hotline at 888-784-6634. All calls are answered live, 24/7, by experienced mental health professionals, and they can match you with a peer supporter who has had similar life experiences. You can also get connected with a peer supporter using the new MnFIRE PeerConnect app.

Learn more about all of the emotional trauma resources available to Minnesota firefighters and their families at no cost to them on our MnFIRE Assistance Program page.

Our peer supporters are the backbone of the MnFIRE Assistance Program. By matching firefighters with someone who has experienced the same struggles, we’re making it easier for folks to get the emotional support they need while reducing the stigma around talking about mental health and suicide that has historically pervaded the fire service.

But who are these peer supporters, and what is it actually like when you call them?

We sat down for an interview with one of our MnFIRE peer supporters, Angeline (Ange) Appelholm from the South Metro Fire Department, so you can get a glimpse into the people behind this important, life-saving Peer Support program.

Tell us a little about yourself, your history with the fire service and who you are outside of your role as a firefighter?

I currently work in the prevention division at South Metro Fire Department, where I’ve been for 10 years — with the first eight years working on the streets. I joined MnFIRE in 2020 and also volunteer with the Metro CISM team. Outside of my role in the fire industry, I have been married to my husband for eleven years and we have two small kids who keep us busy. The warmer months are spent outdoors, and I love to travel! Health and wellness are extremely important to me, and you can find me in the yoga studio when I have free time.

Why did you become a MnFIRE peer supporter?

After seeing one of my own members at my department battling mental health issues, it became apparent to me that those of us in the industry needed to be the ones making the change and I wanted to be a part of it. MnFIRE was the perfect place for me to start that journey.

What is the most rewarding part of being a peer supporter?

The most rewarding part for me is making a connection with someone who I maybe would have never met before. Part of MnFIRE’s process is connecting you with like-minded people or putting you in touch with someone who has been in your shoes. Even though I’m the peer supporter, the connection goes both ways for me. The fire industry is unique and not easily understood by those not in it and this is a great opportunity for our industry to come together as one big family.

What is the most surprising part of being a peer supporter?

The most surprising aspect for me is that there are so many others out there who have walked a similar path as I have. When you utilize the Peer Support side of MnFIRE, they aim to pair you with someone who has shared experiences. I think this is one of the many reasons that MnFIRE is so successful.

What do you see as the most valuable component of the MnFIRE Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)?

I truly think the mental health resources of the HHAP are the most valuable. Mental health in our industry has been overlooked for so long and having something in place for past, current and future generation firefighters is only going to help make this a more sustainable career. No one in the fire industry needs to carry their burdens alone and MnFIRE has made it possible to access mental health care comfortably.

What two suggestions would you share with every Minnesota firefighter to improve their mental health?

MnFIRE has done a great job at teaching the fire industry the signs and symptoms of mental and emotional distress. Some of these signs and symptoms can sneak up on you so just paying attention to what your body needs at the moment is really important. Shift work makes it hard but sticking to a routine as best as possible is so beneficial for our mental health. Also, having your support network intact will be so valuable to you as a firefighter. Having at least one or two people who you trust and who are available at any given hour is essential.

Want to talk to a peer supporter?

Call our 24-hour hotline at 888-784-6634. All calls are answered live, 24/7, by experienced mental health professionals, and they can match you with a peer supporter who has had similar life experiences. You can also get connected with a peer supporter using the new MnFIRE PeerConnect app.

Contributed by Paul J. Anderson, M.D.

As firefighters, we’re no strangers to hard physical work. Wearing turnout gear and equipment in extreme heat while dealing with an emergency can push you to your physical limits. In fact, heart attacks are the number one cause of death on the job for firefighters year after year.

Other physical tasks like moving medical patients, some quite large, out of homes or down stairways can tax you physically, or even leave you with an injury. Increasingly, modern fire departments understand that firefighters need to be strong and fit to do the work of firefighting in a way that avoids injury and promotes safety for everyone.

Maybe your department is starting to promote strength and fitness, or maybe you believe that more strength and physical fitness could help you individually as a firefighter. Here are a few ideas to move you forward.

All firefighters need to have a fitness routine running in the background to support their time on duty. Doing nothing and getting out of shape is not a safe option for firefighters, especially as they age.

If you don’t currently have a routine, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, more than 60% of U.S. adults do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity.

An easy way to kick-start your routine is walking 30 minutes a day for four to five days per week. Find a loop, pick a time, grab a partner and get started.

The bodyweight strength exercises you learned in high school gym class (free squats, sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, etc.) are productive exercises you can also do anywhere. Start easy and work your way up by increasing a few repetitions per week. There are hundreds of 10-minute strength routines on YouTube that you can check out. Here are some more ideas about what you can do to get started.

Interval training is very important for firefighters to train for the intense exertion of a fire evolution. Intervals have you working near your maximum heart rate (Max HR = 220-your age) for two to five minutes followed by an equal period of easy activity that allows you to recover. Then, you work hard again and recover again. In general, an interval workout should contain four to six repeats like this, and can be done on a bike, spin bike, treadmill or stair climber, or you can find a natural environment (a hill, ski trail or stairs) to use for repeat efforts.

Powerlifting is also very important for firefighters, especially multi-joint movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses and military presses. You want to make sure you learn good technique for these exercises and work with weights that produce stimulus for your muscles and avoid injury. Again, the web is full of programs to help you refine your approach. For technique, take a spin through Juggernaut Training Systems, and for a great power program look up Jim Wendler’s 5-3-1 program.

Interested in diving deeper into the importance of firefighter fitness and nutrition? Check out MnFIRE’s newest training topics and register your department for a free class here.

Critical Illness insurance through Hometown Heroes Assistance Program has been a financial lifeline during difficult time

While a colorectal cancer diagnosis is not what Richard Taatjes was expecting after scheduling his first colonoscopy just after turning 51 in April 2022, he faced it just as he does all his life endeavors – with positivity.

“It was stage 4, but right on the cusp so the doctor said, ‘We’ll treat you for a cure and not just to make you comfortable,’” said Richard, who is a firefighter and president of the Walker Fire Department. “I just told him, ‘Of course, we’re going for a cure.’ There’s no other way for me. I’m just crazy positive.”

As Richard worked with his doctors to set up his medical treatments, his fellow firefighters told him about the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program, the most comprehensive firefighter well-being legislation in the nation that offers resources to all active Minnesota firefighters – volunteer, paid-on-call, part-time and full-time – for free. Because of his cancer diagnosis, Richard was eligible for the Critical Illness Program, an insurance policy that covers diagnoses of cancer, cardiac and other critical illnesses, and provides a lump-sum cash payment up to $20,000 to assist with expenses.

“It was such a fast process,” Richard said. “I had a deposit in my bank account a week and a half after I sent in my paperwork.”

The cash payment became a financial lifeline for Richard and his family during his cancer treatment. With Richard unable to work his job as a bulk propane truck driver for AmeriGas and his wife going through health issues of her own, the cash payment paid what bills the short-term disability didn’t quite cover. These bills included everything from their insurance deductible and prescriptions to groceries, gas and car repairs.

“It’s so helpful having that financial cushion so you can concentrate on treatments and getting better,” Richard said. “It would have been a completely different animal without it, and I’ll be forever indebted to getting this financial support.”

That’s especially true given this was such an unexpected diagnosis during a routine exam.

“I didn’t have any pain and felt confident going in because I wasn’t feeling bad,” Richard said. “That’s why (colorectal cancer) is called a silent killer. I’m glad I went in. It saved my life.”

Richard received care and treatment nearly 40 miles away in Bemidji, including eight rounds of chemotherapy over the course of four months followed by five weeks of daily radiation.

“I can’t be more thankful for all my great doctors and surgeons,” Richard said.

In November 2022, doctors could find no cancer; however, at his checkup three months later, the cancer had come back in his liver. Richard is currently undergoing another round of chemotherapy.

Between treatments, Richard, who has been a part of the Walker volunteer department for 15 years, helps on fire calls where he is able or if he is feeling well enough.

“Everyone has been nothing but supportive,” Richard said. “We’re all brothers and it feels good to still be a part of it.”

In return, Richard has brought awareness to those around him of resources available to Minnesota firefighters.

“I’ve made it a point to check in with people about getting their colon checked, and with others who are going through any critical illness type stuff to make sure they’re aware MnFIRE resources are available,” he said. “I’ve been designated the local go-to guy for MnFIRE information.”

While the treatment, support of fellow firefighters and the payment from the Critical Illness Program all helped him during this tough time, Richard said one overarching aspect has helped him most through this journey.

“Being positive is what helps me fight this,” he said. “If I had stress in my life – financial or whatever – it would be harder. And I’m a grandfather now. I’ve got too much to do yet.”

For more information about the Critical Illness insurance policy available through the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program – or to file a claim – click here or call 888-784-6634.

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The Minnesota Firefighter Initiative is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax/EIN number: 38-4049248.

P.O. Box 124, Isanti, MN 55040

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