
mental health

To Our Minnesota Fire Service Sisters and Brothers:

Everyone at MnFIRE joins the entire state as we mourn the loss of Burnsville firefighter/paramedic Adam Finseth and police officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge in yesterday’s tragedy. During this difficult time, please remember that the full resources of the MnFIRE Assistance Program are available to all Minnesota firefighters and their families.

Confidential help – including connection to no-cost mental health care and peer support – is available anytime for any Minnesota firefighter and/or their family. Phone lines are answered 24/7 by Master’s-level trained mental health professionals who provide confidential support, guidance and mental health resources.

For immediate, 24/7 support call 888-784-6634.

Any member of a firefighter’s household can use these important Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP) resources. Each firefighter and/or their family members can access up to five counseling visits a year (additional support is available as needed). Firefighters are also matched with a member of MnFIRE’s team of trained peer supporters who know firsthand the difficulties firefighters face and are well-equipped to walk alongside a firefighter in need as they navigate their situation.

If you’d like to talk, we’re here.

For more information or for help, call 888-784-6634 or visit liveandworkwell.com, access code: MnFIRE.

While nutrition alone can’t solve the complexities of a mental health condition, a growing body of research is showing how diets that support brain health can benefit mental health and well-being, and also help reduce stress and improve focus.

How nutrients support you

Your brain and body need a variety of nutrients to support your health. It’s important to note – despite the claims of ads, trends and friends – no one food or drink (or supplement for that matter) can uplift a down mood or cure a mental health condition. Generally speaking, your brain and body regularly need a balance of proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, (unsaturated) fats and water to fuel them properly. Each one plays a role. For example:

  • Protein helps your brain produce the chemicals it uses to regulate your thoughts and emotions.
  • The healthy omega fats found in salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, among other sources, support your brain function.
  • Your body turns carbohydrates into glucose (a kind of sugar) that travels through your blood to feed your brain. Complex carbs found in whole grains, for example, produce slow and steady sugars to keep your brain fueled. Without them, you may experience low blood sugar, which can make you feel tired, irritable and depressed.
  • The foods you eat also help promote a healthy gut – stomach, intestines and colon – with the right amount and kinds of bacteria to process and break down your food. Fiber aids in the digestion process, and so do foods with probiotics, like yogurt, sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi.
  • If you don’t drink enough water, you can become dehydrated. Dehydration makes it harder to focus and think clearly. It also can depress your mood and energy level.

On the other hand, foods low on nutrients can make you feel mentally worse. For example:

  • The trans fats often found in highly processed and packaged foods have been linked to bad moods.
  • Similarly, highly processed, sugary and fried foods have been linked to hyperactivity, aggression, poor concentration, depression and anxiety in children and adolescents.
  • And the caffeine so many people rely on for a boost of energy can actually overstimulate you, causing feelings of irritability, anxiousness and depression. It also can keep you from sleeping soundly.
  • Diets low in nutrients also affect gut health. As noted above, this system helps you digest your food properly and eliminate waste. If it’s off, so is your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and feed your brain.

Risks of poor nutrition

Interestingly, much of this brain-nutrient-mental health support system can work both ways. If you’re already feeling stressed, anxious or sad, you may find it difficult to eat, much less prepare, healthful food. The lack of rich nutrients makes it harder for your brain to function properly, which in turn aggravates your already struggling mental health, and can even worsen how you already feel.

When you’re not feeling well or eating well, it can also affect your gut. You may feel stopped up, stirred up, bloated or gassy, all of which throws off your digestive system. If your digestive system is malfunctioning, your brain isn’t getting the fuel it needs, and, hungry, struggles to function properly.

Help yourself eat nutrient-rich foods

Follow these three general guidelines to choose more nutritious options:

  1. Eat more:
    • Vegetables
    • Fruits
    • Whole grains (bread, brown rice, quinoa)
    • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and kidney, black or pinto beans)
    • Fish and seafood
    • Unsaturated fats like those found in oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), avocados, seeds, nuts and olive oil
  2. Eat in moderation:
    • Red meat (beef, pork lamb, goat and venison)
  3. Eat less:
    • Refined sugars (from cane, beets, coconut, palm and corn)
    • Processed foods, especially those high in saturated fat, salt and sugar (such as pre-packaged instant and canned soups, deli meats, sausages, snacks and breakfast cereals)

Fresh foods may be more expensive or harder to access in some areas. So, frozen, canned and dried options are a great choice, too. Look for ones that are minimally processed and have limited additives or preservatives.

Also, consider these ways to help yourself steer toward nutrient-rich foods daily:

  • Prepare and store healthy meals and snacks in advance.
  • Make one-pot meals – stews, soups and casseroles – to save yourself time and hassle.
  • Make plans to cook in rather than eating out with family and friends.
  • Have food delivered if getting to the store is too time-consuming or difficult.

A nutrition guide designed specifically for firefighters

Even small changes can make a difference over time. If you need recipe ideas, consider looking online for dietitian-approved options or asking your health care provider for help.

Firefighters can also learn more about nutrition and how it can help them perform more safely and efficiently while on duty, as well as at home, by scheduling a MnFIRE training on Fitness & Nutrition for your department. Learn more here.

Repurposed from MnFIRE Assistance Program partner, Optum.



BetterHealth Channel. Food and your mood. betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/food-and-your-mood</span. Accessed October 16, 2023.

American Society for Nutrition. How to boost mental health through better nutrition. nutrition.org/how-to-boost-mental-health-through-better-nutrition/. Accessed October 16, 2023.

BetterHealth. Gut health. betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/gut-health. Accessed October 16, 2023.

Dietitians Australia. Diet and nutrition health advice: Mental health including anxiety and depression. dietitiansaustralia.org.au/health-advice/mental-health-including-anxiety-and-depression. Accessed October 16, 2023.

Harvard Health. Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food. health.harvard.edu/blog/nutritional-psychiatry-your-brain-on-food-201511168626. Accessed October 16, 2023.

Mental Health Foundation. Diet and mental health. mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/a-z-topics/diet-and-mental-health. Accessed October 16, 2023.

Mind. Food and mental health. mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/food-and-mental-health/. Accessed October 16, 2023.

World Health Organization. Mental disorders. who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-disorders/?gclid=CjwKCAjwvrOpBhBdEiwAR58-3F0CEF39A_G2i0LFhhAHl2NLCvU1axJCRNFiPv62ZGJDoo92coQw7BoCbtAQAvD_BwE. Accessed October 16, 2023.

When you’re going through something stressful or feeling anxious, negative thoughts can make difficult situations and feelings even harder. That’s because how we think affects how we feel, and how we feel affects how we behave.

Learning how to get ahead of unhelpful thoughts and reframing them to be more positive can help you get through those moments. It also can help improve your overall mental and emotional well-being.

While we generally cannot control the thoughts that come into our minds, especially after a tough call, we can control what we do with them. And we can train ourselves to alter our thinking patterns to be more helpful. Let’s look at how this works.

Types of unhelpful thoughts

First, let’s consider the kinds of negative thinking that may affect you. Here are some common ones:

Expecting the worst to happen.
This sometimes takes the form of “but what if?” thinking, too. In either case, even if something is going well, you expect the worst and think of all the bad things that could happen. As a result, you find it difficult to enjoy good times or be present in the moment. For example, if your boss sets up a meeting with you for the next day, an unhelpful thought would be, “I must be getting fired!” A way to reframe that more positively would be, “My boss wants to meet with me tomorrow. She isn’t on shift today, so I cannot ask her why. Tomorrow I will know why she wants to meet, and I can deal with it then.” 

Focusing on the negative.
Even if something good happens, you tend to think only about what went wrong or could have gone better.

Seeing things only as good or bad and ignoring the range of possibilities in between.
This is also called “all or nothing” and “black and white” thinking. This pattern oversimplifies situations. For example, thinking “if you don’t win, then you lose” overlooks the benefits of participating in something you enjoy, such as a tennis match, or in pursuing opportunities, like applying for a promotion.

Making negative assumptions.
For example, if something bad happened, you assume it will keep happening. Like, if you once failed a test, going into every test believing you’ll also fail them. But realistically, you have passed many more tests than you’ve failed, and you’re prepared for this one. A more helpful thought would be, “I failed that test, but I prepared well for this test – and I’ve passed many more tests than I’ve failed.”

Blaming yourself when bad things happen. Or blaming others for bad things that happen to you.
This thinking pattern fails to consider all the other factors that could contribute to a situation or event. If you didn’t arrive at the scene early enough to help someone, it can be easy to spiral or blame yourself. In the fire service, having to navigate survivor’s guilt also isn’t uncommon, especially if there has been a line-of-duty death. We must remember that placing blame on others does not honor the sacrifice of the fallen. Use critical incidents as an opportunity to learn from possible mistakes, but try to give yourself and your crew the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this uniquely challenging work.

In each of these thinking patterns, you aren’t considering the positive possibilities and variety of perspectives. You’re also not considering the full story or thinking about the facts. Many factors contribute to and come into play in every situation. Try to pay attention to where your brain goes in a difficult time.

If you find yourself getting trapped in one of these unhelpful thinking patterns, ask yourself questions to center your thoughts and see other perspectives. For example:
  • Why am I so worried about this? Has this happened before? If yes, how did I manage that situation? If no, how likely is it to happen in this situation? And if it does, what can I do to get through it?
  • Are there other reasons or explanations why this could have happened? For example, maybe my friend’s partner does not feel well, so they need to reschedule dinner. Or, I failed that test because I didn’t prepare properly, but I am prepared for this test – and I’ve passed many more tests than I’ve failed.
  • If someone I cared about were in this situation, what would I tell them? Would I be as hard on them as I am on myself?
Another way to reconsider unhelpful thoughts is to go through this step-by-step exercise. Ask yourself:
  1. Why am I stressed and/or having anxious thoughts? What happened?
  2. What unhelpful thoughts am I having?
  3. How do those thoughts make me feel?
  4. What evidence supports these unhelpful thoughts?
  5. What evidence challenges these unhelpful thoughts?
  6. Based on the evidence, what is a more helpful, realistic and/or balanced way to think about this?

Then, take a deep breath. Let the other perspective sink in, and reset.

Going through these reframing processes can help you feel calmer in the moment and shift your thinking patterns over time to be more positive. With practice, thinking more positively can become part of your life – and help improve your overall mental and emotional health and well-being – both in the fire service and in your personal life.

Want to learn more or get more mental health support like this?

Confidential help is available over the phone or online, anytime for any Minnesota firefighter and their family through the MnFIRE Assistance Program (MAP). The MAP targets emotional health and stress unique to the fire service through connection to mental health care and peer support. For more details or for help, call 888-784-6634 or visit mnfireinitiative.com/hhap/#MAP.

Repurposed from MnFIRE Assistance Program partner, Optum.


MyHealth Alberta, “Learning about thought reframing.” myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/aftercareinformation/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=abk7438. Accessed September 22, 2023.

NHS, “Reframing unhelpful thoughts.” nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/mental-wellbeing-tips/self-help-cbt-techniques/reframing-unhelpful-thoughts/. Accessed August 8, 2923.

Small Steps, “Reframing thoughts.” smallsteps.org.nz/reframing-thoughts. Accessed August 8, 2023.

Mental health conditions affect people of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles in all kinds of ways. In fact, about one in five people globally live with a mental health condition. For firefighters, the rates are even higher than the general population – particularly in the areas of sleep disorders, depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress injury and suicidal ideation/action.

And too many of these firefighters are suffering in silence.

Mental health conditions are treatable illnesses. Yet, despite how common mental health concerns and conditions are, stigma persists. And most people don’t seek help.

Here are seven ways you can help stop stigma, so people feel safer and more comfortable getting the help they may need:

Be kind

A simple rule of thumb is to remember people are people, not conditions. Treating people with kindness and compassion can go a long way toward creating a welcoming, supportive environment.

Study the facts

There is a lot of bad information out there. Check your source before you repeat or repost a tidbit off the internet. It may not be accurate. Consider the motivation behind a dramatic portrayal on a TV show before assuming it’s credible. Educate yourself, so you can help set the record straight. It’s best to start with legitimate resources that are committed to raising awareness and mobilizing support for mental health. The World Health Organization is a great example. Learning about common conditions, like depression, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and others, will help you spread good information.

Be an ally

Encourage respect and dignity for all people. If you hear someone saying hurtful or false things about mental health concerns or conditions, politely speak up and address it.

Talk openly about mental health

Listen respectfully and invite open conversation about the importance of mental health and well-being. People should not feel ashamed or reluctant to get the benefit of professional help.

Foster understanding

Encourage yourself and those you influence to view mental health just as you would physical health. If, for example, a friend sprained an ankle or broke an arm, you would encourage them to seek medical attention. The same should be true for mental health conditions.

Share your own experience

If you have personal experience with mental illness, consider telling others about it. Sharing your story can foster understanding and provide perspective. The MnFIRE Peer Support program provides a confidential outlet for firefighters to share what they’re going through with someone who understands.

Get involved

Around the world, people are working hard to improve mental health care perceptions, systems and policies. There are many ways to show support. Make sure you post only accurate information on your social media. Drive a friend to a therapy appointment. Make your vote count in local elections. Donate time or money to an advocacy organization like MnFIRE. Every show of support helps normalize the conversation around mental health and wellness.

The emotional and disturbing calls we go on can stick with us – and it’s important to recognize how the stresses of the job can negatively impact our mental health. MnFIRE’s emotional wellness training can help your department de-stigmatize talking about mental health, as well as provide practical information around how to properly debrief after a difficult call, ways to maintain emotional well-being and what resources are available for those who need help.

Confidential peer support and mental health resources are available to Minnesota firefighters and their families for free through the MnFIRE Assistance Program. For more details or for help, call 888-784-6634 or visit mnfireinitiative.com/hhap/#MAP.

Repurposed from MnFIRE Assistance Program partner, Optum.



American Psychiatric Association, “Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness.”
psychiatry.org/patients-families/stigma-and-discrimination Accessed July 17, 2023.

BetterHealth Channel, “Stigma, discrimination and mental illness.”
betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/stigma-discrimination-and-mental-illness#challenging-stigma-associated-with-mental-illness. Accessed July 17, 2023.

Mind, “Mental health problems – an introduction.”
mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/mental-health-problems-introduction/stigma-misconceptions/. Accessed July 17, 2023.

NAMI, “Pledge to be stigmafree.”
nami.org/Get-Involved/Pledge-to-Be-StigmaFree. Accessed July 17, 2023.

Contributed by Paul J. Anderson, M.D.

There is no way around it, firefighting is a stressful job. Physically, you must be able to handle the stress of the station alarm or an emergency call, the truck sirens blaring, gearing up and working hard until the fire is out, keeping at it until overhaul is done, and staying until your gear is clean and back in your locker. Emotionally, you must handle distraught victims, exposure to horrible life situations and trauma, the unpredictable attitudes of your teammates, and anything else that comes at you on a call. On top of all that, if you are like most firefighters in Minnesota – part-time or volunteer – this might not even be your day job, and you likely have a family to take care of as well.

All of these things considered, firefighting exposes us to high levels of stress. With prolonged exposure to these elevated stress levels, firefighters can feel a negative ripple effect through various aspects of life that may eventually hinder a person’s ability to function.

The most important thing to remember about your body is that it cannot tell the difference between various kinds of stress. “Stress is stress” to your body. It’s also good to remember that too much stress can negatively impact almost all of the other lifestyle habits you might be trying to build or maintain. With too much stress, we eat poorly, sleep poorly, have low energy for working out, our relationships suffer and we may turn to alcohol or other substances a little too often to “take the edge off.”

But there are ways to counter the “crunch” of too much stress in your life. Here are a few thoughts to help you step out in another direction:

  1. Prioritize: Being stressed out happens sometimes in everyone’s life, but often it happens because our priorities have gotten out of order. Think about what capacities are most important to you and what skills and resources are essential to helping you be your best for yourself and the people around you. Prioritize the time and activities that support those resources. Take control of your schedule. Decide to let some things go.
  2. Downsize: So much stress comes from trying to do too much in too little time. Maybe there are some parts of your life you could simplify or let go of altogether to get back on track. Think about your commitments, your obligations and the extra activities that are filling your time. Maybe you can back off just a little bit and buy yourself some time to recharge.
  3. Capitalize: Capitalizing means you take what you have and reinvest it in key resources that make you even more successful. Take your new priorities, and some of the time you gained from downsizing, and re-invest in your key relationships, the physical and mental health you have through physical activity and great nutrition, good friendships, spending time in nature and participating in activities or causes that bring you joy.

Managing stress is a key pillar of a healthy lifestyle that will improve your ability to be present to your work, your family, and yourself. You can read more about other healthy lifestyle pillars, such as physical fitness, here.

MnFIRE’s peer supporters are a crucial lifeline to Minnesota’s 20,000 firefighters and their families. By matching firefighters with someone who has experienced similar struggles, we’re making it easier for folks to get the emotional support they need, while reducing the stigma around talking about mental health and suicide that has historically pervaded the fire service.

But who are these peer supporters, and what is it actually like when you call them?

We sat down for an interview with Jim Salentine, a retired Minnesota firefighter and active peer supporter, to give you another glimpse at the dedicated people behind our Peer Support program.

Tell us a little about yourself, your history with the fire service and who you are outside of your role as a firefighter?

I became a firefighter in 1992, then had a gap and came back in 2018. I’m an honor guard member. My first career was in the computer business. I retired in 2018 and prayed about what I want to do when I grow up. I made a pretty big career change from computers/systems to health care. I’m currently working in homecare as the CEO of New Dimensions Home Health Care, so very blessed to try and make someone’s day a little better.

I’m very involved with my church and on a couple of committees, and I coach basketball. My wife is my best friend; we’ve been married since 1986. We have a white Samoyed named Shiloh. I take great pride in taking care of myself both physically and mentally.

My whole goal is to give someone a four-letter word that is huge and it’s called “HOPE.”

Why did you become a MnFIRE peer supporter?

Because I truly believe the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives is what it’s all about. Everyone has a story, and they need to be heard, valued, respected and cared for.

What is the most rewarding part of being a peer supporter?

Spending time listening to people – really listening – being so thankful and saying, ‘WOW, I’ve never felt so good talking to someone about my struggles and issues. I thought it was just me and not being strong.’ I say that’s why God gave us two ears and one mouth – we’re supposed to spend twice as much time listening.

What is the most surprising part of being a peer supporter?

I wasn’t sure I had any other expectations of being a peer supporter, other than the blessings that I’ve received. Meeting people where they’re at and being a confidential resource that cares about and loves them.

What do you see as the most valuable component of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)?

I first became a firefighter back in 1992, and I can say that I wish the HHAP would have been around then. It’s unreal all the support that someone in need can get now. The other thing that is amazing, no issue is too small nor big. You never know when a firefighter is in need of someone who understands. It’s a safe place to know you’re not alone and so many people care about you.

What advice would you give to a firefighter who is looking to improve their mental health?

What you’re experiencing isn’t unusual, you’re not alone. Spend time each day to take care of yourself, eat, sleep, exercise, pray and practice mindfulness.

How to access MnFIRE Peer Support

Call our 24-hour hotline at 888-784-6634. All calls are answered live, 24/7, by experienced mental health professionals, and they can match you with a peer supporter who has had similar life experiences. You can also get connected with a peer supporter using the new MnFIRE PeerConnect app.

Learn more about all of the emotional trauma resources available to Minnesota firefighters and their families at no cost to them on our MnFIRE Assistance Program page.

Our peer supporters are the backbone of the MnFIRE Assistance Program. By matching firefighters with someone who has experienced the same struggles, we’re making it easier for folks to get the emotional support they need while reducing the stigma around talking about mental health and suicide that has historically pervaded the fire service.

But who are these peer supporters, and what is it actually like when you call them?

We sat down for an interview with one of our MnFIRE peer supporters, Angeline (Ange) Appelholm from the South Metro Fire Department, so you can get a glimpse into the people behind this important, life-saving Peer Support program.

Tell us a little about yourself, your history with the fire service and who you are outside of your role as a firefighter?

I currently work in the prevention division at South Metro Fire Department, where I’ve been for 10 years — with the first eight years working on the streets. I joined MnFIRE in 2020 and also volunteer with the Metro CISM team. Outside of my role in the fire industry, I have been married to my husband for eleven years and we have two small kids who keep us busy. The warmer months are spent outdoors, and I love to travel! Health and wellness are extremely important to me, and you can find me in the yoga studio when I have free time.

Why did you become a MnFIRE peer supporter?

After seeing one of my own members at my department battling mental health issues, it became apparent to me that those of us in the industry needed to be the ones making the change and I wanted to be a part of it. MnFIRE was the perfect place for me to start that journey.

What is the most rewarding part of being a peer supporter?

The most rewarding part for me is making a connection with someone who I maybe would have never met before. Part of MnFIRE’s process is connecting you with like-minded people or putting you in touch with someone who has been in your shoes. Even though I’m the peer supporter, the connection goes both ways for me. The fire industry is unique and not easily understood by those not in it and this is a great opportunity for our industry to come together as one big family.

What is the most surprising part of being a peer supporter?

The most surprising aspect for me is that there are so many others out there who have walked a similar path as I have. When you utilize the Peer Support side of MnFIRE, they aim to pair you with someone who has shared experiences. I think this is one of the many reasons that MnFIRE is so successful.

What do you see as the most valuable component of the MnFIRE Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP)?

I truly think the mental health resources of the HHAP are the most valuable. Mental health in our industry has been overlooked for so long and having something in place for past, current and future generation firefighters is only going to help make this a more sustainable career. No one in the fire industry needs to carry their burdens alone and MnFIRE has made it possible to access mental health care comfortably.

What two suggestions would you share with every Minnesota firefighter to improve their mental health?

MnFIRE has done a great job at teaching the fire industry the signs and symptoms of mental and emotional distress. Some of these signs and symptoms can sneak up on you so just paying attention to what your body needs at the moment is really important. Shift work makes it hard but sticking to a routine as best as possible is so beneficial for our mental health. Also, having your support network intact will be so valuable to you as a firefighter. Having at least one or two people who you trust and who are available at any given hour is essential.

Want to talk to a peer supporter?

Call our 24-hour hotline at 888-784-6634. All calls are answered live, 24/7, by experienced mental health professionals, and they can match you with a peer supporter who has had similar life experiences. You can also get connected with a peer supporter using the new MnFIRE PeerConnect app.

Firefighting is a strenuous job – physically, mentally and emotionally. Call after call, year after year, the stress can add up and lead to detrimental effects, especially for a firefighter’s mental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 13% of firefighters screened positive for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 53% screened positive for both anxiety and depression separately.

With the Minnesota Firefighter Initiative (MnFIRE), help is out there. In fact, it’s at your fingertips with the MnFIRE PeerConnect app. In May, the MnFIRE PeerConnect app launched as yet another free health and wellness resource for Minnesota firefighters and their families. It was developed in partnership with First Response Mental Health, an organization that specializes in the stressors that first responders are exposed to, and the support systems in place to protect and support them.

The app, now available to download from both the Apple App Store and Google Play by searching “MnFIRE PeerConnect”, provides users the ability to easily request confidential Peer Support in two easy ways: immediately dial in or request a call back.

Unique to this platform is the opportunity to preview peer supporter profiles and personally select the person you’d like to talk to directly. While all of MnFIRE’s trained peer supporters are ready to lend a listening ear or offer support, this selection can make all the difference in the comfort level of a firefighter asking for help.

In addition, the app serves up a unique feed of firefighter health and wellness information. When you download the app, you immediately gain access to a library of articles and resources focused on improving firefighter health and wellness, all curated and created by MnFIRE’s knowledgeable experts.

The MnFIRE PeerConnect app is another step towards reducing the stigma of asking for help in the fire service. Talking about the challenges we face is not something to be ashamed of, but rather a proactive measure to better health. If you or a firefighter you know is working through a tough time at work or at home and needs someone to talk to who gets it, tell them “there’s an app for that.”

You can also contact MnFIRE’s Peer Support service directly via phone at 1-888-784-6634. Calls to the Peer Support hotline are answered live, 24/7, through PRO Network’s HIPAA-compliant answering service, and their experienced roster of masters-level mental health professionals will work to connect individuals with peer supporters and get them the help they need. No matter if you call or use the app, connecting with the MnFIRE Peer Support team can make all the difference on the path to better mental health and well-being.

To learn more, visit the PeerConnect App page.

Being the spouse, partner or family member of a firefighter is no easy thing. We all know how difficult it can be when your loved one gets called into a dangerous situation – and it’s sometimes just as stressful, if not more, to wait for them to come back home safely. From unpredictable schedules, emotional trauma, increased health risks and more, firefighter families are put through a lot, but MnFIRE is available to help ease that burden.

As part of our free ongoing health and wellness training for all Minnesota firefighters through the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program, we’re excited to announce a new training session designed specifically to give fire service spouses, partners and family members the tools and perspective needed to support the mental and physical health of their firefighter loved ones – and their families. The goal of this training is to help spouses and significant others navigate potential challenges that can arise when you have a firefighter in your family, and give you more insight into what your firefighter loved one faces on the job.

“As the spouse and supporter of a firefighter, I have wanted to play a more active role in ensuring he is healthy both mentally and physically while he serves our community,” said a firefighter spouse about the MnFIRE training. “This [training] was exactly what I was looking for. I want to bring this back home with me and share with other fire spouses so they, too, feel equipped with information and action steps if and when needed.”

It’s just as important for firefighter partners and families to practice consistent self-care, seek social support and keep up a routine. If stress is overwhelming your ability to cope, consider talking to a mental health professional. Confidential help is available over the phone or online, anytime for any Minnesota firefighter and their family through the MnFIRE Assistance Program (MAP). Any member of a firefighter’s household, including children living away from home, can access up to five counseling visits a year for free through the MAP. Understanding your loved one’s mental health needs may not only aid in their recovery, but help you cope as well.

The MnFIRE spouse & significant other training is currently being offered at regional sessions throughout Minnesota. Contact us to learn more. You can always find up-to-date resources on the Firefighter Significant Others & Families page of our website as well.

While all systems of the body are important, the heart is the epicenter of it all. That’s why cardiac health is important to consider at all times of the year; however, it becomes even more prevalent during February, which is deemed American Heart Month by the American Heart Association.

There is good reason to raise awareness of heart issues such as heart attack, stroke and cardiac arrest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. And in the fire service the No. 1 death by injury according to the National Fire Protection Association is cardiac arrest, which doesn’t only affect people with heart disease. Cardiac arrest is also the cause of death for about 436,000 Americans each year.

MnFIRE’s own executive director, Wayne Kewitsch, knows all too well about cardiac arrest and the importance of heart health. Within a seven-month span in 2020, Kewitsch experienced three cardiac arrest incidents, which ended his 25-year career in the fire service.

“I don’t want that to happen to any other firefighters,” said Kewitsch, who is the former Richfield Fire Department Chief.

Two of his cardiac arrests happened about one month apart. The first one, Kewitsch’s wife, Ruth, watched as their son, Jack, performed CPR on Kewitsch in the family’s home before seven Edina paramedics arrived and stepped in. The second incident happened while Kewitsch and Ruth were driving north on Highway 169 for a weekend with friends on Crosslake.

After making a recovery and having surgery to implant a heart defibrillator, Kewitsch is thankful for all the people who helped him. Now he’s helping other firefighters in Minnesota get through or reduce the number of cardiac, emotional trauma or cancer diagnoses through his MnFIRE role.

To help you better recognize a heart incident, know the symptoms.

Heart Attack – when blood flow to the heart is blocked:  

  • Chest discomfort
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body such as the arm or shoulder, along with pain in the jaw, neck or back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

Stroke – when blood flow to the brain is blocked:

  • Face drooping
  • Arm weakness or numbness
  • Speech difficulty
  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • Confusion or trouble speaking
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Trouble walking, dizziness or loss of balance/coordination
  • Severe headache with no known cause

Cardiac Arrest – sudden loss of all heart activity due to an irregular heart rhythm:

  • Sudden loss of responsiveness
  • Sudden collapse
  • No pulse
  • No breathing

If you see someone around you experiencing these symptoms, call 911 immediately. For cardiac arrest, performing CPR and using an AED will significantly increase a person’s chance of getting through the incident.

To reduce or potentially even eliminate the chance for a cardiac incident, people can take steps to care for their heart by eating a balanced and nutritious diet, exercising regularly, managing stress in a healthy way and getting enough sleep.

There are MnFIRE resources available for firefighters who have experienced a cardiac incident and those looking to prevent one. As part of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program (HHAP) through the Critical Illness Program, firefighters who are diagnosed with a cardiac illness or another critical illness can receive up to $20,000 to assist with expenses.

Additionally, the HHAP provides free training for departments to become MnFIRE Aware and dive deeper into topics such as cardiovascular health, cancer, emotional wellness and more. Visit the MnFIRE Training section on the MnFIRE website to learn more and to register for a training.

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The Minnesota Firefighter Initiative is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax/EIN number: 38-4049248.

P.O. Box 124, Isanti, MN 55040

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