

The 2023 MnFORE Golf Tournament presented by Aon was another beautiful day on the links! We’re so thankful to all of the golfers, volunteers and generous sponsors who joined us at Bearpath Golf & Country Club in the name of Minnesota firefighter health and wellness.

The funds raised at MnFORE will help MnFIRE continue to provide critical support and resources to Minnesota’s firefighters so they can live longer, healthier and happier lives. This is all thanks to your generosity! On behalf of Minnesota’s fire service, we thank you.

Enjoy browsing our photos from the event on MnFIRE’s Facebook page.

Learn more about all MnFIRE does for Minnesota’s fire service through advocacy, awareness, training and support here. If you would like to make a contribution to MnFIRE, please visit our donate page.


Stay tuned for details on the 2024 MnFORE Golf Tournament!

Interested in sponsoring in 2024? Contact DeeDee Jankovich at djankovich@mnfireinitiative.com.


We enjoyed a beautiful day on the golf course at our 2022 MnFORE Golf Tournament last week!

We want to thank everyone who joined us out at Bearpath Golf & Country Club for supporting the health and well-being of Minnesota’s firefighters. Thanks to you, we raised more than we ever have before at this event! These funds will help us continue to provide critical support and resources to Minnesota’s firefighters so they can prioritize and protect their health, and live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Let’s also recognize our MnFORE sponsors and volunteers who make this event possible. Thank you to these businesses and individuals for their generosity and dedication to our mission!

From a sold-out event to a full roster of sponsors, you all made a big impact for firefighter health.

Interested in seeing more photos from the event? Follow us on Facebook.

Save the Date

Don’t miss out – join us for the Fifth Annual MnFORE Golf Tournament on July 24, 2023, at Bearpath Golf & Country Club once again. Stay tuned for details and information on how to register.

If you have any questions regarding next year’s golf tournament, or if you would like to volunteer or donate, or become a sponsor, please contact Gina Calistro by phone at (612) 309-4462 or email, gcalistro@mnfireinitiative.com.

Enjoy an afternoon on the green while supporting Minnesota firefighters – join us for the 2021 MnFORE Golf Tournament on Monday, May 24!

We’ll be on Bearpath Golf & Country Club’s luxurious Jack Nicklaus Signature course to benefit the Minnesota Firefighter Initiative, which provides Minnesota’s firefighters with the tools they need to prioritize and protect their health.

MnFORE funds important programs designed to help firefighters and their families. Your registration fee includes:

  • 18-Hole round of golf
  • Cart
  • Boxed Lunch
  • Happy Hour
  • Dinner

Non-foursome groups and single golfers are welcome – we will pair golfers for an afternoon of fun!


10:30 a.m. – Registration/Range Open to Golfers
11 a.m. – Silent Auction opens
Noon – Shotgun start
5 p.m. – Social Hour
5:45 p.m. – Silent Auction ends
6 p.m. – Dinner & Awards

Register for MnFORE here. We can’t wait to see you there!

If you have any questions regarding the event, or if you would like to volunteer, donate or sponsor, please contact Gina Calistro by phone/text at (612) 309-4462 or email at gcalistro@mnfireinitiative.com.

The Minnesota Firefighter Initiative is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax/EIN number: 38-4049248.

P.O. Box 124, Isanti, MN 55040

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